Rebecca, RSVP Volunteer Field Representative for Elko, shared a wonderful, caring holiday story of service to seniors in her area.
A local ladies social group decided that, instead of their usual seasonal gift exchange, they wanted to do something for the community. One of the members was friends with Rebecca, knew about her vital work, and suggested to the group that they put together Easter baskets for some RSVP clients.
The group put together 12 bags, each with candy, mini sock monkey, washcloth rabbit and more. Rebecca was so pleased with the effect they had on her clients.
“The bags went to single seniors who are basically home bound and alone. Nearly each one said something to me about how this little gift made their day. I imagine for some, it made their week. It was very tender to have the opportunity to visit each of these men and women with an unexpected Easter gift.”
RSVP volunteers and Volunteer Field Representatives are invaluable to their communities, incredibly creative and innovative in their care for clients. When that care inspires other people to act, there can be no greater gift.