Good neighbor

In partnership with local law enforcement, the Good Neighbor program reaches out to isolated, home-bound seniors to ensure their safety and build friendships. Volunteers receive training to recognize elder abuse and neglect and connect seniors with valuable resources.
The benefits of a Good Neighbor to our 60+ rural population cannot be overstated. Not only can we provide vital social contact and peace of mind for isolated seniors, the program will also serve as a resource hub for seniors who need other services, outside of RSVP's free transportation, companionship, healthy food and exercise, legal help and housekeeping programs.
Financial problems, isolation and loss of self-sufficiency are major factors in depression and suicide in seniors, which in turn can cause premature entrance to nursing homes. Good Neighbor volunteers can help relieve much of that anxiety with just a regular check-in call or visit.
The Good Neighbor program places an emphasis on stemming the tide of elder abuse. The isolation of rural seniors can make it harder to find help when they are victims of elder abuse, a crime that is reported less than 20% of the time. By partnering with local law enforcement, businesses and a senior's friends and family, we can help create a safety net for this vulnerable population while strengthening community involvement and raising awareness of elder abuse.