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  • In 2019, the population age 65+ in this country was 54.1 million, within that 30 million are women and 24.1 million men, according to the Administration for Community Living.

  • 14.3% of people 65 and older live alone in Nevada. (See here, page 5).

  • Also according to the Elders Count Report by ADSD, between 2011 and 2018 Nevada population increased by 11.42% with the 65 and older population increasing by 40% and the 85 and older population increasing by 25%.

  • According to the Nevada State Demographer, the population of people age 65 and older is at 438,748 as of 2018. 

  • Maintaining independence delivers a more cost-efficient care system – decreasing premature and out-of-state nursing home placements.

  • Isolated homebound elderly are more vulnerable to depression, self-neglect, elder abuse/fraud, and suicide.

  • Volunteerism supports positive health outcomes because socialization is ranked as a key factor in healthy aging, as well as staying active and healthy nutrition.

  • Medical science and other research have shown that older adults who volunteer frequently live longer and report less disability.




  • Home Companion volunteers provided support to help meet basic needs such as reading, talking, and everyday acts of kindness to 422 clients. This emotional support is so critical to frail and homebound elderly persons who are struggling to stay in their own homes.

  • Homemakers provided 136 clients with 6,680 hours of housekeeping services which makes for a clean, healthy and hygienic living condition for frail seniors.

  • Escorted Transportation volunteers provided 1,603 seniors and adults with disabilities with essential trips to medical appointments, to pick up prescriptions, groceries, and socialization outings.

  • The CARE Law Program attorney provided 1,005 low-income seniors with 980 hours of pro bono legal services such as wills, guardianships, powers of attorney, and more.

  • Respite Care volunteers provided 19,240 hours of respite (breaks) to 226 caregivers and care recipients. Respite volunteers provide caregivers with breaks 2-4 hours or more per week, which reduces caregiver stress.  Care recipients have someone new to socialize and share thoughts and feelings while receiving assistance to achieve their highest level of independence.

  • Lifeline & PERS personal emergency response systems were installed and maintained in the homes of 238 seniors, giving them immediate access to emergency services to help improve their self-sufficiency and independence.  

  • Elder Exercise Program volunteers provided 37 seniors with lightweight exercise, improving their mobility and cognitive ability, strength, muscle mass, and help prevent falls and disabling disease.

  • Senior Farmers Market Coupons were distributed to 680 low-income seniors to purchase fresh fruit and vegetables. RSVP helps administer the program in Nevada, providing coupons to an extra 4,755 seniors statewide.

  • Food Distribution and Drop was provided to 809 seniors to provide nutritional supplements and help reduce hunger.

  • Senior Arts & Crafts Program reached 21 seniors to offer opportunities for creative expression, socialization & enrichment. 

  • Volunteer Stations RSVP matches the talents of individuals with broader community needs, providing 38,985 volunteer hours to health care facilities, government agencies, and community non-profits.




  • RSVP expanded its Respite and Transportation programs to reach adults (aged 18 and older) with disabilities.

  • RSVP implemented the Veterans VIP Program in 2016, utilizing AmeriCorps VISTA VIP to assist Veterans with independent living programs, peer-to-peer connections, suicide prevention resources, and veteran resources.

  • RSVP launched “Friends Day Out” featuring Java Music Club in 2019, which is an innovative program designed to provide caregivers and their loved ones with meaningful socialization and peer-support group activity.

  • In 2022, RSVP absorbed the Good Neighbor Program from Douglas County to serve seniors in Douglas and Carson with providing vital social contact and peace of mind for isolated seniors. The Good Neighbor program places an emphasis on stemming the tide of elder abuse.

  • The NEST Program is a program adopted by RSVP in Summer of 2022. The NEST Collaborative is a volunteer-driven effort aimed at reducing social isolation and loneliness among elders, veterans, and people living with disabilities through peer support, one-on-one calls, and/or tech support. Since its inception in 2020, the NEST Collaborative has served 350 Nevadans, totaling 4,000 hours of volunteer service!

Contact Us

Nevada Rural Counties RSVP Program, Inc.
2621 Northgate Lane, Suite 6
Carson City, NV 89706

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RSVP programs and services are offered at no charge with the exception of the monitoring fee from Lifeline; however, there are suggested donations for services.  No one is turned away because of an inability to donate.  Not all programs are available in each county.  RSVP volunteers do not perform services that fall under professional health care services, such as nurses, aids, etc.  We cannot lift, transfer clients, or administer medication. 

© 2021 Nevada Rural Counties RSVP Program, Inc.
All Rights Reserved | Computer Artistry

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