The Carson and Rural Elder (CARE) Law Program provides pro bono and low-cost legal services to seniors (aged 60 and older) in the 15 rural counties of Nevada. The main areas of focus are: estate planning; Medicaid and nursing home planning; guardianships; debt and consumer issues; Social Security and Medicare issues; powers of attorney and advance directives; homesteads and real property issues; and elder abuse issues.
The increasing senior population in the rural counties has created a demand for legal services which is not being filled by local private attorneys in the rural counties or by other legal services programs. Over one-quarter of Nevada’s seniors live in the 15 rural counties. CARE Law seeks to provide access to legal services for those seniors who are otherwise unable to access such services.
The CARE Law Program does not have any specific standards to determine client eligibility. The only requirement is the client be sixty (60) years of age or older and reside in one of the covered rural counties. All seniors in the covered counties are eligible for CARE Law Program services, though over three-quarters of the clients are Medicaid eligible.
“Kind hearts like yours are rare and so precious. Your help with my legal matters will always be appreciated.”
– RSVP CARE Law Client